Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 05 2022
- Time: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Conference Day 2
Seated breakfast with speakers, concurrent sessions, in-person and virtual walkthrough of projects, facilitated open discussions, conference closing and a walking tour of the Auraria Bike Pavilions project by ColoradoBuildingWorkshop, University of Colorado Denver faculty and students.
DAY 2 | Pecha Kucha
Scott Moore y Medina, Cultural Healing
A Medicine Mural at the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes’ George Hawkins Memorial Treatment Center (Regional Project Inclusion) Structures for Inclusion Conference 2022
Chad Kraus, Passerine Pavilion
(Live Projects Network) Structures for Inclusion Conference 2022
Leann Andrews / Jeff Hou, InterACTION Labs
(Pacific Rim Community Design Network) Structures for Inclusion Conference 2022
Ursula Hartig, Chamanga Cultural Center
(DesignBuildxChange) Structures for Inclusion Conference 2022
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Hourly Schedule
Conference Day 2
- 8:00am
- Breakfast with tables by issues, speakers, networks
- 10:00am
- Pecha Kucha of Exhibitors
- 11:00am
- Facilitated Open Discussion
- 12:00pm
- Closing
- 12:15pm
- Live tour of Auraria Bike Pavilions by coloradobuildingworkshop, University of Colorado Denver