Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 24 2022
- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
ARC Lecture: Bryan Bell
Bryan Bell, Executive Director of Design Corps, will give a free, public talk on What’s New in Public Interest Design? this month.
Bell’s one-word summary: “Lots.”
“We are at a point where this field is expanding exponentially to meet the complex challenges that the world presents,” Bell explains. “The specializations developing as responses are both broad in variety and deep in expertise. The range of these also give us a vision of where the field has yet to grow, which is even more exciting.”
Examples will be presented from his recent publication, All-Inclusive Engagement in Architecture: Towards the Future of Social Change, which Bell co-edited with Farhana Ferdous of Howard University.
This is part of the NC State School of Architecture lecture series and will be on January 24, 6:00 PM ET, both in person and by Zoom. The lecture is free, but registration is required.