Local Time
- Timezone: Europe/Paris
- Date: Jun 18 2024
- Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
International designbuildXchange Award 2024
All friends and members of DesignBuild projects and DesignBuildXchange platform,
put 18th June 2024, 6 pm MET (Berlin time) in your calendar, when we will call to the virtual event
´PresentationxChange´ of the International designbuildXchange Award Winners 2024!
We are looking forward to new approaches to technology, sustainability, circular economy and scaling; to
new focus areas such as social justice, interdisciplinary work and pedagogy; to new insights into funding,
ethics and project evaluation.
The Call for Projects was open to DesignBuild projects that have been realized within the last three years
(2020-2023) and are published on the dbXchange website. A total of eight projects has been selected for
awards through a competitive juried process.
We´re looking forward for the Xchange and inputs!
The dbXchange-Team
Tuesday, 18th June 2024,
6:00 pm MET (Berlin time)
Zoom-Link: https://zoom.us/j/98065372987?pwd=SWNOaFNkTmVsaUprUHVHTHFXaUk2QT09
Meeting-ID: 980 6537 2987 & Kenncode: 044963
6:00 pm Welcome and introduction by dbXchange members
6:10 pm PresentationXchange of the winners and special mentions (each keynote 10 min.)
7:30 pm Dialog and xChange with all speakers & jury
8:00 pm Closing of the event